Friday, Sep. 20th, 1996: 11.15 - 11.30 o´clock

Parallel session - III

Main Auditorium #25

Topic: Implantology

Time   Pres.   Presenter         Title                                          
11.15- 38      Lindquist,L.W.
    Prospective 15-year study of mandibular fixed  
11.30                            implant-supported prostheses.                  
11.30- 39      Augthun,M.
        Peri-implant parameters and their correlation  
11.45                            to different bone loss in patients with        
11.45- 40      Ogden,A.R.
        Changes in oral microbial flora during         
12.00                            implant treatment.                             
12.00- 41      Watson,C.J.
       Six years experience with the Calcitek dental  
12.15                            implant.                                       

Auditorium #22

Topic: Functional Analysis

Time   Pres.   Presenter         Title                                          
11.15- 42      Rammelsberg,P.
    Computerized axiography for diagnosis of       
11.30                            internal derangements of the TMJ.              
11.30- 43      Tschernitschek,H.
 Masseteric EMG analysis methods evaluating     
11.45                            influence of dentures on EMG.                  
11.45- 44      Göhring,T.
        Construction workers study of Hamburg, first   
12.00                            results.                                       
12.00- 45      Hedzelek,W.
       Gnathosonic study of occlusion of patients     
12.15                            wearing complete dentures.                     

Auditorium #23

Topic: Dental Materials / Other

Time   Pres.   Presenter         Title                                          
11.15- 46      Ericson,A.
        Factors deciding the retention of conical      
11.30                            crown retained dentures.                       
11.30- 47      Müller,F.
         Masticatory performance with familiar          
11.45                            complete dentures after sudden failure of      
                                 denture retention.                             
11.45- 48      Heath,M.R.
        Outcome measures for the effects of tooth      
12.00                            loss and subsequent prosthodontic care:        
                                 development of structured analyses.            
12.00- 49      Schlegel,A.K.
     Light-microscopic analysis of the marginal     
12.15                            exactness of metal-ceramic restaurations.      

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